Thursday, April 30, 2020
Leadership / Management in Organizations
Abstract Today it is apparent that there is need to understanding true leadership styles due diversification in employment patterns. The discipline of management seems to be surrendering its role to that of leadership. The style of leadership is a main concern over employees’ and eventually organization’s performance. A highly performing leader steers activities to expected heights but this requires strong leadership style.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Leadership / Management in Organizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Leadership is guidance or assistance procedures mainly concern with the way people create rapport, communicate and live by the significances for life (Hargreaves, 2003). According to Hargreaves (2003), for a leadership style to be effective, it is imperative to share control values. The process of leadership or management is considerably complex due to differences on anticipated results or expectations among the staff. People have different believes, synergy or energy levels, expectations, experiences, and technological advancements among other aspects. The differences bring about superimposing experiences, thus placing very high expectations and challenges to a leadership style. Management lacks measurable elements or factors to meet expectations. Thesis Statement â€Å"Analysis of necessary skills required for successful management within an organization†This paper is an analysis of strategies required to implement management policies and the procedures for effective governance, as well as its implication to future performance. It is an analysis of the employee behavioural patterns in relation to the style of management and lastly it analyzes the available perspectives into controlling performance. Objective/significance of the study The main objective of the paper focuses on analysis of policies and procedures required to enforcing p erformance and it is equally an analysis of the developmental problems associated with styles of management in an organization. Another significance of the study focuses on the global approach towards management. The paper also forms an analysis over other probable choices in the subject matter beside the academically documented material. It is the analysis of what determines good guidance through utilization of the new professionally suggested measures to enhance employee performance. Hypothesis Are managers enhancing the proper mechanisms required to monitor, guide, encourage and evaluate employee performance? There are various ways of addressing or eliminating the social problems regarding management. Methodology/Procedure of the study The literature reviews will enable better understanding of the topic. Analysis of literature in the research over the chosen topic enhances and quantifies the research as a study topic and prepares for respondents. Information collected therefore t abulates and ranks the findings to broad areas and helps to narrow the scope to the objectives of the study analysis. The analysis then draws the conclusion from generally analyzed data in the literature review.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Literature review The adherents to a chosen style of leadership have a quality control perspective. Good leadership avails chances of interactive participation of all members in the organization regardless of their status: age, gender, cultural difference, and experience by categorizing issues with respect to matters of concern. According to Miller (2008), this is a healthy leadership approach because it enables the employees and other members of the organization to critic or compels the leaders with competitive views and opinions, of which is important for the organizational goals since they assist in validation and keeping t he leader in a lane of reality. In line with MacMillan, (2000) dynamic dialogue cools any conflicting contemplations and maintains the cooperation between the involved parties. Position of leadership styles in the organization One key factor that is evident today is the need to search for and understand leader. The main reason behind the abolition of the eminent traditional styles of administration concerns presentation. These performance levels are unattainable only when the involved groups lack trust of their leaders. Trust is a pre-requisite aspect of leadership that call for those in charge to portray honesty and show concern or care for their followers’ needs and thoughts, but at the same time remain accountable over their deeds (Booyeen, 2008). Secondly, the leader ought to honour commitments and pronouncements. Respect is an inevitable aspect of leadership in which case the leader ought to respect the opinion of others and respond to their requests amicably and respect ably owing to the thought that differences of opinion is an eminent sign of progress. Lastly, it is important for the leaders to have a set of values, which their followers can identify with or connect to such as courageousness, reliability, integrity, competence, honesty, altruism, and fairness (MacMillan, 2000). According to Hargreaves (2003), trust is like a pillar that runs through every aspect of leadership thus ensuring its success. People will take a considerable amount of time to trust and thus the leader should have great consistent efforts over honest style of leadership. Distinction between leadership and management Historically, the managers dominate most of the governance styles. The main differences lie between various supreme approaches to services. Managers have a value of results while leaders value relationships among members. There is high regards over positions in management while this is not evident in leadership.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Leadership / Management in Organizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The leaders take reputed high risks compared to the managers and are personal, caring and avoid copying the rules of others (Heifetz, 2004). On the other hand, traditionally the manages will often conform to existing rules and want to ensure protection of the status quo over change, thus making the leaders more innovative and ready to change for the better (Heifetz, 2004). The leaders’ style of guidance is non-functional thus inspiring and motivational compared to the management style of functionally analyzing, evaluating and solving problems from a personal perspective. Unless the managers are ready to embrace this kind or governance, then the system will always fail. The leadership hierarchy restrains the flow of unnecessary information, poor policies of the firm, agendas that conflict governance as well as pressures for the need to conf orm thus making the style incredibly difficulty over the provision of overall directions (Mathias et al, 2007). According to Heifetz (2004), the issues of leadership in organizations have revolutionized due to introduction of diversification, and therefore the reference of leadership made over the decades concerning the ability to hold top management positions has become obsolete. Today the top management positions and their functions are still in common usage, but current trends indicate that people have discoveries concerning the distinction between managers and leaders. The process of exercising leadership skills, styles and qualities has a different meaning of providing a vision and influence of those led into realization of coexistence and sharing of thoughts. From an analytical or professional point of view, it is possible to define the leadership style of governance as the ability to have considerations of various aspects in the organization such as age, gender, performance, experience and energy differences, characterized by an emphasis over good relations. In this situation, the leader is a good listener who is approachable and friendly. This style entails openness thus enlisting the mental trust among those involved. Secondly is the ability to engage a leadership behaviour that directs an organization and assists in defining goals, structure and style of execution (Hargreaves, 2003).Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Current leadership styles Today the technological change has made the organizations to become more dynamic and therefore the leadership styles of focusing attention has equally become vibrant, on-going and very important procedures. It is important for a leader to have good solid knowledge and approaches to combat the organizational differences as well as engage continuous and alternative choices that steers organization forward in terms of development (Hargreaves, 2003). One of the most fundamental issues concerning leadership involves the ability to communicate effectively. A good leader must be in a position of convincing people on how to focus on the ideas perceived to be important and developmental and cater for each group. The methods and styles of communication lack good definition in most organizations. Every leader has a personal way of pronouncement, which varies from formal to casual in both written and spoken forms. The main aim eventually is the consistency and ability to attract attention and peoples’ actions. Today the successful leaders realize that there exists no single method of behaving. The leaders must read a group’s situation and come up with the most appropriate leadership behavioral pattern to combat the situation at hand. This is the only right and most appropriate procedures for the leaders because it enables the groups involved to fit the competency level. Conclusion Leadership styles have a close connection to behavior. In the assessment of a group’s leadership needs, there is need to translate skills to communicative behavior. For instance, if a leader finds that a certain group needs strong guidance, it is then wise to suggest direction, make different assignments, and possibly vet unrealistic suggestions. Leadership skills calls for one to find and balance the member’s thought, support viable decisions, and give authority to act. All the leadership styles have a strong basis on communication, and not skills, experience, lack or personality. The connection between group members brings about cooperation, and unique leadership styles that solve group problem effectively thus making the group to become more effective (Miller, 2008). A good or efficient group only requires a small, early but strong guidance to become and remain productive. References Booyens, S.W. (2008). Introduction to Health Service Management. South Africa. SA: Juta and Company Ltd. Print. Heifetz R A. (2004). Leadership without Easy Answers. London, Harvard University Press. Print. Hargreaves, A. (2003). Teaching in the Knowledge Society. New York, NY: Teachers’ College Publishes. Print. MacMillan, R. B. (2000). Leadership succession: Cultures of teaching and educational change. New York, NY: Routledge/Falmer Publishers. Print. Mathis, R, L., Jackson, J. H. and Elliott, T. L. (2007). Human Resource Management. Thomson Southwestern Publishers. Print. Miller, C. (2008). Cultural Diversity is an Opportunity. Web. This research paper on Leadership / Management in Organizations was written and submitted by user Cameron B. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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